Snow White

Ruth Kluger, the author of “Still Alive” and a survivor of Holocaust introduced the brutal rolls of Nazi regime during ww2. Even an eight years old girl couldn’t escape from that brutality. She (Ruth) liked Disney movie Snow White just like any other girls, except she was a Jewish. She was brave to go to Movie Theater where Jewish ware not allowed. She got caught by her next door baker’s daughter in the theater; who told Ruth that next time she will call police on her. It was hard to imagine that an eight years old passed the time in the movie theater under the pressure of life and death situation.

                                                                               Ruth Kluger

It was an irony that the movie Snow White and her life (Ruth) was a parallel at that time.  Hence the snow white was Ruth Kluger and the wicked queen was the baker’s daughter, who was a member of Bund dautscher Madcben, the female branch of Hitler Youth organization. Ruth was afraid for her life just like the way princess Snow White. The screen symbolized as the magic mirror; because of movie screen the baker’s daughter found Ruth in the movie theater. During the movie, the fearful time she (Ruth) passed was similar to Snow White passed the time in a fearful jungle.


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